project management

What Does it Mean to be a Software Architect?

What Does it Mean to be a Software Architect? – Part I One of the goals of this site is to help you develop those skills that will enable you to play the role of a software architect on a project. In order to help you meet that goal, we should probably provide a definition… Continue reading What Does it Mean to be a Software Architect?

project management

What does it take to become an architect?

how to become a software architect Every large software system needs an architect. Although many people clamor to become architects, there is still a lack of qualified architects in the industry. In this article, I will list what I believe to be the essential characteristics of an architect. It is relevant for senior developers and… Continue reading What does it take to become an architect?

project management


What is UML? The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard  language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems. The UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems.1  The… Continue reading UML

project management

Questions on Agile Development

Q1: Why use Agile methods?  Agile methods focus on shorter iterations, in which the software is brought to a releasable level of quality fairly often, usually somewhere between weekly and monthly. Short iterations provide numerous technical and management benefits. On the technical side, the main benefit is reduced integration risk because the amount of software… Continue reading Questions on Agile Development


Animation in Silverlight

Overview In this chapter, you will be learning the basic fundamental concepts of Animations in Silverlight Application, which includes Animation Types, namespace details, classes, objects used, implementation of different types of animations with XAML and with C# code and some more interesting samples for each animation. You will see how to use important properties of Timeline class… Continue reading Animation in Silverlight


Databinding in Silverlight applications

Overview In this article, you will learn the basic concepts of simple data binding in a Silverlight application. I have covered the different types of binding modes available and how to use them declaratively and programmatically. We will also see how to do binding for a collection, the importance of theINotifyPropertyChanged interface method, and the ObservableCollection class. Our… Continue reading Databinding in Silverlight applications


An Introduction to Silverlight

What is Silverlight? Silverlight is the new Microsoft technology on the web platform for Rich Internet Applications (RIA), launched by Microsoft in 2007. Silverlight supports multiple browsers called cross-browser technology, which includes Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari, Opera etc… Silverlight supports multiple Operating Systems (a cross-platform technology) which includes the Windows family of OSs, Mac,… Continue reading An Introduction to Silverlight

.net · & mvc

Difference between BasicHttpBinding and WsHttpBinding

Difference between BasicHttpBinding and WsHttpBinding If we want to summarize in one sentence, the difference between WsHttpBinding and BasicHttpBinding is that WsHttpBinding supports WS-* specification. WS-* specifications are nothing but standards to extend web service capabilities. Below is a detailed comparison table between both the entities from security, compatibility, reliability and SOAP version perspective. Criteria BasicHttpBinding WsHttpBinding Security support This supports… Continue reading Difference between BasicHttpBinding and WsHttpBinding